KVO has been integral part of Cocoa programming, yet it's not available for pure Swift classes.
Is there a way to implement your own implementation of native KVO?
API Design
When I thought of how I want to implement Observable properties, I’ve had few things in mind:
Last time I've written about Behaviours in objc.io Architecture Series.
Xcode 6 has some great improvements, few people realise that IBInspectable works on any class, not just views.
Let's use that to improve upon my original Behaviours.
My behaviours are built on top of
Did you ever see image split available in Kaleidoscope? It's really easy to implement similar one in iOS with some CoreAnimation code.
1. Stack 2 UIImageViews on top of each other.
2. Use CAShapeLayer to generate mask to hide part of our top one.
3. Mask will
2 min readPublic
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Last time we set our project, this time we look at how we could create a simple yet flexible architecture for our model layer.
What I like to do is create a modular architecture, one in which I can add new types of objects without modifying the core of
I believe in boy scout rule: 'Always leave the campground cleaner than you found it.', that's why I constantly refactor my code so it's clean and tidy.
What are few less-known refactoring tricks I use to simplify code and make it more readable?
What are top 7 most common issues I find doing Code Reviews?
Commented out code
It makes me think that you didn't learn how to use version control and tagging, why the hell do I need to read that old code, if it's no longer valid!
This will be subjective look at creating iOS app, first part will focus on basics like project setup, folder structure, version control and some quality metrics.
Project setup
I usually start with empty project, then I use my crafter gem to apply some default scripts and settings.
1. Copy
4 min readPublic
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